Dr. Gamble-George has been appointed as a scholar presented by the Department of Molecular and Human Genetics at Baylor College of Medicine to the All of Us Underrepresented Biomedical Researcher (UBR) Scholars Program. The All of Us Underrepresented Biomedical Researcher (UBR) Scholars Program is a one-year program that supports UBR researchers working within multidisciplinary research groups to answer a complex question important to each diverse team. The purpose of the All of Us UBR Scholars Program is to increase the engagement of underrepresented researchers that use the All of Us research platform.
Dr. Gamble-George
I love to empower people to become thought leaders and STEAM/STEMM innovators. I served as an expert science advisor for scientists that study chronic heart and lung diseases, HIV, and mental health. I also co-founded a biotech IoT application and device development company. As a scientist, I conduct research related to brain diseases and disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, anxiety and stress-related disorders, and substance use disorders.