Dr. Gamble-George will be giving a Biological Sciences Training Program (BSTP) seminar. Her talk is entitled, “From Health Disparities to Brain Science: My STEM Story”. The seminar, which will be held on Monday, October 31st from 3:45 pm to 5:00 pm, is hosted by the Department of Molecular Psychiatry in Yale School of Medicine.
This will be a hybrid in-person seminar at CMHC (34 Park St) W212. Masks are required to attend the seminar in-person.
Zoom Meeting ID: 994 8644 7415
Password: 892571
Zoom Meeting Link: https://yale.zoom.us/j/99486447415?pwd=MzVrSjZ4S2RmMDNEeUcrRUpJREhMZz09
Call-In to Zoom Meeting: 203.432.9666
If you have any questions about the event, please contact Alexa-Nicole Sliby at alexa-nicole.sliby@yale.edu.